Monday, April 22, 2013

Jacob and Esau and Me- a poem!

Esau sold something precious
To receive what he wanted then.
Jacob deceived his brother
 To manipulate God's plan.

Immediate gratification
Is what Esau sought after.
But later he would regret
The folly of his barter.

Jacob wanted pleasure
So he used his smarts.
He wanted his own way,
Instead of accepting God's path.

Who am I more like:
Esau or Jacob or both?
Do I sacrifice a precious gift
Because of my petty impatience?

Do I attempt to control
The future of my life?
Or do I combine these two follies
And reap what I have sown?

I think at times we all fall
Into one of these two traps.
For these traps are disguised as the path to success
When they are really the path to destruction.

Let us consider our actions
In light of this Biblical story.
And let's not forget that we will reap
The consequences of our folly.

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