Monday, December 31, 2012

Radiant Girls of God

Well, we are starting up girls' group again! This time, we have a whole new resource blog for all the girls to use! On this blog, I have added the tab "Girls' Group," which leads directly to the girls' group blog.

Also, I would like members to contribute; I don't want to be the only one that contributes. Therefore, members will be able to access the blog as a writer and become a coordinator of a certain department.

We will be following the curriculum The Choice Is Yours by Terrie Chapell. This curriculum includes workbooks, and you can get one at {They only cost like three dollars, excluding tax and shipping.}

Our first meeting will be {God-willing} on Tuesday, January 8th. We are utilizing our webcams, so more people can participate.

If you would like to join in, contact me at with the subject line "Girls' Group." Hope to talk to you soon!!!

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