What is Radiance?

        My friend gave me a locket for my birthday. As we all know, lockets open and close so that we can put things things in them, such as a note or picture. Many times lockets are in the shape of a heart. Also, after we put  a note in the locket, there isn't really room for any thing else.


        We can apply these things to our spiritual hearts. As we all know, we can open and close our hearts when we please. We can put things in them.

        Our hearts are our own responsibility. When do we need to open our hearts? When God is knocking.    What do we need to put in them? God's Love Letter to us. And remember, when our hearts are filled with something, we shouldn't try to stuff more in there. What I mean is, when we fill our hearts with God's Word and godliness, there's no room left for worldliness. This is called spiritual purity.

       There is something special about the locket pictured above. It is sparking. It has a diamond in the middle. Did you know that diamonds are made up of carbon? Carbon and nothing else! It is purely carbon! Just like a diamond, a heart can contain purely Godliness and God's Word.

     But what happens when the heart is full? When liquid is poured into a filled cup, what happens? As we all know, the cup overflows with the liquid. When we pour Godliness into a Godliness-filled heart, Godliness overflows. This is what I call radiance.

       Now, we all fall. We cannot be pure and radiant through our own power; we need God's interference.
1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." God will cleanse and purify our hearts if we will ask Him.

Be Radiant.


"Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee."
~Psalm 119:11

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
~Matt. 5:8


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